AC 2.5 Write letters of appointment and non-appointment for an identified role
Assessment Criteria Task One
AC 1.1 The different stages of the employee lifecycle and the role of the people professionals in the lifecycle.
AC 1.2 Different ways in which information for specified roles can be prepared.
AC 1.3 Different recruitment methods and when is it appropriate to use them.
AC 1.4 Factors to consider when deciding on the content of copy used in recruitment methods.
AC 2.1 Different selection methods and when it is appropriate to use them.
AC 2.4 The selection records that need to be retained.
AC 2.5 Write letters of appointment and non-appointment for an identified role.

Expert Answer

AC 2.5 Write letters of appointment and non-appointment for an identified role


The STARR Approach is a powerful tool for answering CIPD questions, helping you showcase your skills and abilities in a structured manner. By breaking down your responses into Situation, Task, Action, Result, and Reflection, you provide a clear and concise account of your experiences. It’s like telling a story, but with a purpose – to impress potential employers and secure the job offer. So, let’s dive deeper into each component of the STARR Approach and master the art of answering CIPD questions!

Understanding the STARR Approach

The STARR Approach is a seemingly magical method that helps you answer those tricky CIPD questions. So, what’s the fuss all about? Well, the STARR Approach is like a secret weapon that HR professionals and job seekers use to conquer interviews and assessments with ease. Now, let’s break it down. The STARR Approach stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result, and Reflection. It’s a structured way of answering questions by providing real-life examples and showcasing your skills effectively. But how exactly does it help in answering CIPD questions? Well, it’s simple. The STARR Approach allows you to demonstrate your problem-solving abilities, proactive nature, and learning agility. It helps interviewers gauge your potential and assess whether you’re the right fit for the role. By using this approach, you can paint a vivid picture of how you identified a problem, took action, achieved results, and reflected on the experience. It showcases your ability to handle challenges, think critically, and continuously improve. So, the next time you’re faced with a CIPD question, remember to unleash the power of the STARR Approach. It’s your ticket to ace that interview and secure the job of your dreams. Happy STARRing!

Breaking Down the Situation

Breaking Down the Situation Identifying a problem or challenge is like finding a needle in a haystack. It requires a keen eye, a Sherlock Holmes-like deduction, and maybe even a bit of luck. But fear not, my fellow CIPD candidates, for I am here to guide you through this perplexing maze called the STARR Approach. Once you’ve identified the problem or challenge, it’s time to provide some context and background information. Think of it as setting the stage for a captivating drama – where you, my dear candidate, are the star of the show. Paint a vivid picture, utilizing colourful details, and captivating storytelling techniques. Remember, storytelling is an art form that can transport your reader to a different world. So, make sure your words dance on the page, leaving your readers begging for more. But hold on, don’t get carried away! Stick to the word count limit, or risk losing your audience’s attention. Now, go forth and conquer this section with your wit, charm, and exemplary writing skills. The stage is set, the spotlight is on you – it’s time to shine!

Defining the Task

Defining the Task: So, you’ve identified the problem or challenge, and now it’s time to define the task at hand. What exactly needed to be done to solve the problem? Oh, just the simple task of saving the day and preventing a small problem from turning into a major catastrophe. No big deal, right? Well, let’s break it down a bit further. You need to determine the objectives and goals that will lead you toward solving the problem. Maybe it’s finding a creative solution, implementing a new process, or rallying the team together to tackle the issue head-on. Whatever it is, it’s time to put on your superhero cape and get to work. But remember, this isn’t just about accomplishing the task at hand. It’s also about understanding the bigger picture and how your actions fit into the grand scheme of things. So, take a step back, evaluate the situation, and set those objectives and goals that will guide your every move. Now, let’s dive into the details and see how you can take action to save the day. Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!

Taking Action

Taking Action: Now that we have identified the problem and provided context in the previous sections, it’s time to dive into the exciting part – taking action! This is where things get real, and we get to showcase our initiative and proactive behaviour. To address the problem at hand, we took several steps. First, we conducted thorough research to gain a deeper understanding of the issue. We analyzed data, gathered relevant information, and brainstormed potential solutions. Next, we developed a comprehensive action plan. This involved breaking down the problem into smaller, manageable tasks and assigning responsibilities to team members. We set realistic deadlines and ensured clear communication channels to keep everyone on the same page. Then, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work! We implemented the action plan, crossing off tasks one by one. We faced challenges along the way, but we remained resilient and adapted our approach when necessary. Throughout the process, we continuously monitored our progress and made adjustments as needed. We celebrated small victories and learned from any setbacks. Our proactive mindset allowed us to stay ahead of the game and take necessary actions before the problem escalated. By taking proactive steps and showing initiative, we were able to effectively address the problem and prevent it from turning into a major issue. Our actions not only resolved the immediate challenge but also laid a solid foundation for future success. So, the next time a small problem arises, remember the power of taking action and being proactive!

Examining the Result

Examining the Result: So, you’ve made it through the Situation, Task, and Action sections. Now it’s time to see what happened in the end. The Outcome and impact of the actions taken are what we’re interested in here. Did your efforts pay off? Did you save the day or make things worse? It’s time to find out. Measuring success and achievements is crucial. Did you meet your objectives and goals? Did you solve the problem or address the challenge effectively? Take a moment to reflect on the results and evaluate your performance. This is your chance to pat yourself on the back or learn from any mistakes you made along the way. Remember, the Result section is where the magic happens – where all your hard work culminates into a meaningful outcome. So, let’s dive in and see what your actions led to!

Reflecting on the Experience

Reflecting on the Experience: Now that we have discussed the process of mastering the STARR approach, it’s time to reflect on the experience and extract the valuable lessons learned from each situation. Through these reflections, we can identify growth and development opportunities. One important lesson that we can learn from the STARR approach is the power of taking proactive measures. By solving small problems before they turn into major ones, we can save ourselves a lot of headaches and stress. This experience highlights the importance of being proactive and addressing issues early on. In addition, this process also allows us to measure our success and achievements. By examining the outcome and impact of our actions, we can determine if our approach was effective and if we achieved the desired results. It provides us with valuable feedback and helps us understand the areas where we can improve. Overall, the STARR approach not only helps us answer CIPD questions effectively but also teaches us important life lessons. It encourages us to be proactive, take initiative, and reflect on our experiences to grow and develop. So, let’s embrace this approach and make the most out of every situation we encounter.


The STARR Approach is a powerful tool for answering CIPD questions effectively. By understanding and implementing this approach, candidates can showcase their problem-solving skills in a structured and concise manner. The STARR Approach consists of five key elements – Situation, Task, Action, Result, and Reflection – that guide candidates in providing a comprehensive and well-rounded response. It helps candidates break down their answers, analyze the situation, define the task at hand, outline the actions taken, examine the results achieved, and reflect on the overall experience. Through this approach, candidates can demonstrate their proactive nature and the ability to think critically in solving problems before they escalate. By mastering the STARR Approach, candidates can navigate through CIPD questions with ease and increase their chances of success. So, are you ready to ace your next CIPD interview using the STARR Approach? Let’s dive in!