3CO01 Assignment Example

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To complete the task, provide a written response to each of the nine questions below. Your answers should be related to your own organisation or one you are familiar with, ideally one where you have worked. Use the same organisation for all nine answers.

To be an effective people practitioner, it is crucial to understand the business’s goals, the products or services it offers, its main customers, and how external factors, including technology, impact its markets and working methods.

Assessment Questions

Task – Written answers

Examine two key external influences impacting or likely to impact the activities of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar) (AC 1.1)

Technological advancements

Technological advancements may have a positive impact on Apple Inc particularly in innovation and product development (Citilci and Akbalik, 2020). This is because product developments drive innovation and encourage continuous investments in research and development. For instance, advances in augmented and virtual reality have led to an increase in investments in research and development leading to new products such as Apple Vision Pro. Notably, it is important for Apple to continuously stay ahead of technological trends to retain its competitive edge in the market. Besides, investing in new technologies presents opportunities for Apple to diversify its product portfolio and expand into new markets.

Legal factors

Apple Company is affected by regulatory factors such as changes in legislation (Citilci and Akbalik, 2020). For example, the organisation must comply with regulations such as the General Data Protection regulations in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act in the United States. Furthermore, Apple must comply with Antitrust and competition laws and ensure adherence to rules on promoting sustainability. Such regulation changes lead to increased scrutiny of its business operations and present legal risks. For example, changes in environmental regulations have led to renewed commitment from Apple to reduce its carbon footprint and continuously optimise its manufacturing and supply chain practices towards greater reliance on renewable energy, and recycling.

Discuss the main business goal of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and why it is important for that organisation to plan how they will achieve the goal. (AC 1.2)

The main business goal for Apple Inc. is creating the best products on earth and leaving the world a better place than they found it (Rowland, 2024). The aforementioned business goal embodies several elements such as innovation, quality, customer experience and environmental sustainability. For example, Apple aims to maintain a competitive edge in the technology industry and continuously innovates and produces new products such as the Apple Vision Pro (Apple Newsroom, 2024). In addition, the organisation provide superior customer experience through personalisation, seamless integration across devices and customer support. In addition, the organisation is committed to reducing its environmental impact through ethical sourcing in its supply chain and the use of renewable energy.

Importance of Planning

Apple needs to ensure effective planning to ensure the organisation’s strategic goals and objectives are achieved. This serves several benefits including ensuring strategic alignment and resource application. Effective planning allows Apple to prioritise the allocation of its resources towards ensuring key activities are aligned with its main business goal (Hill, 2019). This provides the organisation with a clear sense of focus and direction since all departments and employees understand their roles and responsibilities towards achieving organisational goals. In addition, effective planning ensures optimal use of resources and ensures the organisation invests in areas that create the most value such as research and development, and marketing hence ensuring a positive return on investments and sustaining competitive advantage. 

Effective planning is also important in ensuring effective risk management and developing strategies to mitigate them (Hill, 2019). Notably, by anticipating challenges and uncertainties, Apple can develop strategies to mitigate disruptions caused by regulations, market competition and changes in consumer preferences. 

Discuss the products and/or services of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and discuss the organisation’s main customers. (AC 1.3)

Apple Products and Services

Apple specialises in the development of numerous hardware such as the iPhone an innovative smartphone with high-performance capabilities that also serves as its flagship product. In addition, the organisation developed the iPad which serves as Apple’s line of tablets and the Mac line of Apple Computers such as MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Mac Mini. Other hardware products include the AirPods, Apple Watch and Apple Vision Pro, a virtual reality headset (Reuters, 2022). In addition, Apple develops software such as the iOS operating system for iPhones and iPads, macOS used in Mac Computers, and tvOS for Apple TV. Other services provided by Apple include the AppStore, Apple Music, Apple TV+, iCloud, Apple Pay and AppleCare (Apple, 2022).

Apples Main Customers

Apple has a diverse customer base consisting of individuals, businesses and educational institutions. For instance, individual consumers include technology enthusiasts who leverage Apple products due to their innovativeness, superior design and performance. In addition, the organisation also sells to general consumers who prioritise reliability and integration across devices (Edrawsoft, 2022). Besides, health and fitness enthusiasts also leverage Apple products such as the Apple watch. Besides, the organisation’s consumers include creative professionals such as designers, artists, and video editors who require powerful hardware and software for their creative work. Besides, educational institutions and businesses use Apple products due to their reliability, security and integration.

Review how file sharing technology and video conferencing can be used to improve working practices and collaboration within the people profession in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar). (AC 1.4)

File-sharing technologies encompass digital tools and platforms that allow users to share access and collaborate on documents and digital files. The aforementioned may include services such as Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, iCloud and Google Drive.

Notably, people professionals at Apple may leverage file-sharing technologies to ensure centralised document management. The aforementioned entails storing and organising employee records, policies and training materials in a centralised and secure manner. The aforementioned also improves access to key documents in the organisation particularly when employees are working from different geographical locations hence better collaboration and convenience (CIPD, 2021).

Besides, file-sharing technologies can be used to reduce the costs of onboarding and employee training. This is because employees can access their onboarding and training documents including manuals. This ensures employees have access to full information on their roles hence improved onboarding experience (CIPD, 2021). Besides, greater accessibility of training materials improves the efficacy of training and development programs particularly at Apple which has a significant number of employees.

However, people professionals should note that file-sharing technologies can have some limitations for example, their efficacy is dependent on stable internet connectivity. As a result, employees without access to the internet may miss out on crucial information. In addition, file-sharing technologies present potential security risks if not effectively managed such as authorised access and data breaches.

Video conferencing 

Video conferencing technologies enable real-time video and audio communication between individuals and groups in different geographical locations. People professionals at Apple may leverage different video conferencing tools such as Zoom meetings, Microsoft Teams, Webex and Facetime.

In addition, people professionals at Apple, often have to work on projects that require collaboration from different stakeholders. As a result, file video conferencing tools allow team members to collaborate in developing documents in real time, track changes and share feedback (Bika, 2017). This improves the efficiency of collaborative projects such as the creation of training and development programs and policy development. In addition, people professionals can leverage on video conferencing tools to enhance employee engagement. This is by holding regular virtual town halls, question-and-answer sessions and team-building activities. The aforementioned helps in maintaining employee engagement and fosters a sense of community even in a remote working environment (Bika, 2017).

However, video conferencing tools present some limitations such as technical issues, the aforementioned occur when employees experience connectivity problems, software glitches and hardware failures which can disrupt meetings and affect productivity. In addition, the prolonged use of video conferencing tools can lead to digital fatigue thus lowering employee wellbeing and engagement.

Define organisational culture and explain why it is important to foster an appropriate and effective workplace culture in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar). (AC 2.1)

Organisational culture refers to shared values, beliefs, norms and practices that influence behaviours and interactions of individuals within an organisation (Sridharan, 2022). Organisational culture also encompasses collective attitudes, standards, and behaviours that impact on how work is performed.

Notably, organisations need to foster an appropriate and effective workplace culture. For instance, a positive workplace culture promotes a sense of belonging and purpose amongst employees it also ensures employees feel valued by the organisation for the contributions they make leading to satisfaction and engagement (Zhang et al., 2023). For example, Apple’s culture of innovation and excellence improves employee engagement and satisfaction by encouraging creativity and collaboration between co-workers in developing unique products and services (Podolny and Hansen, 2020). 

In addition, a strong organisational culture that aligns the values and aspirations of potential employees with those of the organisation can help in attracting and retaining top talents. In addition, organisations that provide employees with a career path and development opportunities are considered as employers of choice. For example, Apple Company attracts and retains top talents by promoting a culture that supports professional growth and inspires a sense of purpose (Podolny and Hansen, 2020). The aforementioned also helps the organisation in reducing turnover and recruitment costs.

Besides, a well-defined culture can help organisations in enhancing their overall performance and competitiveness. For example, Apple has embraced a high-performance work culture that also prioritises accountability (PerformYard, 2022). The aforementioned ensures employees have a good understanding of their goals and responsibilities and are focused on creating the best products and delivering on the organisation’s goals. The aforementioned not only helps to ensure Apple’s product quality but also provides a superior customer experience.

Explain how culture is part of a whole system and explain how people professionals’ work and actions could impact elsewhere in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar). (AC 2.2)

Organisations as whole systems can be considered as cohesive entities where all factors are interconnected and interdependent (Gordon, 2021). Notably, changes in one part of the system have far-reaching effects on other parts of the system. Notably, organisational culture is a key component of the organisational system and is interrelated with other parts such as structure, strategy, leadership, processes and people. For example, leaders influence organisational culture through their behaviours, decisions and communication styles (Hussain et al., 2018). For instance, Apple, vision is supported by visionary leaders who encourage creativity and risk-taking. In addition, culture is influenced by structures. For example, Apple’s functional organisational culture supports cross-functional teams and collaboration hence fostering a culture of innovation and agility.

The roles played by people who practice work and actions influence and sustain organisational culture. For example, recruitment and onboarding processes ensure that employees who are recruited and onboarded are integrated into the organisation and embody its culture and values. People professionals at Apple ensure that employees who are recruited are not only killed and qualified but also have innovative attitudes (Tran, 2022). This helps in sustaining an innovative work culture that supports Apple’s organisational goals.

In addition, people professionals influence culture by managing learning and development initiatives. For instance, people professionals implement training and development initiatives at Apple that ensure they are equipped with the right skills and competencies required to perform effectively at work. This leads to improved organisational performance by reinforcing a culture of expertise and innovation. 

Explain why it is important that organisational change driven by economic downturn and challenging trading conditions is planned, and effectively managed in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar). (AC 3.1)

Organisational change should be planned and effectively managed. This is because it helps in anticipating potential issues and mitigating risks that may arise thus ensuring smoother transitions (Flach, 2023). In addition, planning organisational change helps ensure that it is implemented in a manner that aligns with the organisation’s long-term objectives (Flach, 2023). This includes ensuring the change initiative does not deviate from the company’s vision and mission. Besides, planning change effectively ensures prudent management of resources such as time, budget, personnel’s and technology. This helps in avoiding wastage and ensuring allocation is based on the actual needs of the change process. 

Notably, Kurt Lewin’s change management theory may be used by people professionals at Apple to manage a change driven by economic downturn and challenging trading conditions. For example, leveraging on the model, the first stage encompasses unfreezing which involves preparing the organisation to accept that change is necessary. During unfreezing people, professionals should communicate the impact of economic downturns on the organisation’s financial health. In addition, people professionals may hold joint consultation meetings with stakeholders such as employees, senior leaders and departmental health to discuss the need to adopt cost-cutting measures such as reducing operational expenses and streamlining processes. In addition, people professionals may gather feedback and address employee concerns such as job security.

In the second stage when change is implemented, people professionals may help in reducing resistance by organising training sessions to help employees learn new and more efficient workflows and technologies aimed at lowering operational costs (Hayes, 2023). In addition, people professionals may communicate regularly through emails and internal communication platforms regarding the progress and impact of the changes. Additional support may be provided to employees such as counselling, this helps employees to cope with uncertainty and helps in establishing buy-in.

The last stage of Kurt Lewin’s change management theory is the refreezing stage. To effectively manage this process, people professionals should ensure employees who effectively adopt cost-cutting ensures are celebrated and recognised.  This helps in sustaining employee engagement and commitment to the new status quo. Moreover, people professionals may update the organisation’s policies which ensures that the new cost-cutting measures are integrated into the origination practices and become the standard operating procedure. 

Explain the importance and role that could be played by people professionals in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) within change driven by economic downturn. (AC 3.2)

Role of change Champion

People professionals play the role of change champion when managing a change driven by an economic downturn. The aforementioned role entails advocating for the embracing of new practices such as cost-cutting. People professionals may also promote change initiatives by highlighting their benefits to encourage buy-in from employees (Gordon, 2020). In addition, people professionals lead by example in demonstrating a positive attitude towards the change to encourage wider acceptance.

Change Facilitator

People professionals also play the role of change facilitators to help in managing the transition processes (Duggan, 2019). This is by offering training and development, coaching and workshops to equip employees with necessary skills and competencies. For example, people professionals may organise training and workshops to help employees understand new workflows and technologies such as collaboration tools to support remote work as a way of reducing operational costs.



People professionals play the role of gatekeepers. The aforementioned is by ensuring the change processes comply with internal policies, legal regulations and ethical standards. For instance, people professionals may review and update Apple’s organisational policies to ensure the cost-cutting measures that are implemented comply with employment laws and guidelines (Hayes, 2023).

Record Keeper

Moreover, people professionals act as a record keeper in the change process. For example, they keep detailed records of the change process such as communication, employee feedback and training materials. Besides, they develop and provide regular reports to the senior management on the progress and impact of change management initiatives. 


Discuss how organisational change, driven by economic downturn, could impact people in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) in different ways. (AC 3.3)

Changes driven by the economic downturn could affect people at Apple Company in different ways. For instance, it may impact employee morale and job security. The aforementioned is because of fears of the organisation raking cost-cutting measures such as workforce reduction to reduce costs. This may lead to uncertainty and increased stress ultimately lowering their morale. In addition, economic downturns may also impact employee engagement. For instance, employees’ fears of job security and increased workloads may lead to decreased engagement and loyalty to employees. This is because employees may feel undervalued and overworked by the organisation. 

The Kubler Ross’s change curve outlines various ways employees experience change such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance (Lohia, 2022). When faced with a change such as layoffs influenced by economic downturns, employees may initially be in denial. They may believe the situation is temporary and their work will not be affected. Consequently, employees may experience anger when reality begins setting in. They may demonstrate this by expressing frustration towards the organisation’s leadership for the decision to implement layoffs. 

In the next stage, employees may begin bargaining and negotiating with the management to delay or avoid changes (Potter, 2021). This may include proposing taking on additional workloads and reducing work hours to avert layoffs. In the fourth stage, employees may experience depression when they realise the change is inevitable. They may also experience sadness, hopelessness and disengagement. Lastly, they may begin accepting the new change. This may be by being open to new skills by attending training programs and showing a willingness to move forward. 

Reference list

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